About the 5-6-4 Approve Time window

Note: Sage Mobile apps and associated Simple Time Entry functions require a subscription license for Sage 100 Contractor. For more information, contact your Sage business partner or your Sage customer account manager at 1-800-858-7095 or [email protected].

Because employees without a high level of access to Payroll can submit time entries, either through the Sage Time mobile app or using the 5-6-2 Time Entry window, their time entries must be approved by a user that has Print Checks rights for Payroll.

You use the 5-3-4 Approve Time window to approve time entries submitted through the Time app or through the Time Entry window.

This window is very similar to the Review Time window. However, here you approve, rather than accept, time entries using the [Approve] button. There is an additional status filter than you can use to restrict the display to entries that have a specific status. If you require employees to certify their time and include notes when they submit time entries using the Time app (specified in the 5-6-6-Time Entry Settings window) there may be additional columns for the employee certification and any notes they submitted with their time.

Displaying time entries on the grid

Sage 100 Contractor displays time entries submitted through the Time app and through the Time Entry window that have not yet been processed.

If there are unprocessed time entries for only one type of pay period and one pay period, Sage 100 Contractor displays those entries on the grid. However, if there are unprocessed entries for more than one type of pay period, you must select a pay period type and a pay period. (Only pay period types defined in the 5-6-5 Time Entry Settings window are available.)

Previously approved time entries are not displayed.

  • Submitted. This field displays who submitted the time entry.

  • Approved. Entries can be accepted in the Review Time window, but they must be approved before they can be processed in Payroll.

    It is not necessary for time entries to be reviewed before they are approved. It depends on your company's workflow requirements.

  • Rejected. You can reject entries at any point, until they are processed in payroll.

  • Processed. Processed entries are entries that have been sent to 5-2-2 Create Timecards or 5-5-1 Daily Payroll.

Email notifications

If email is set up for Review Time or Approve Time, emails are sent automatically when you reject an entry. You can change overtime hours, which might not be overtime or premium time until the end of the week. The Payroll person, generally, approves the overtime. Additional 3 columns: Submitted by tells if entered by a user in Enter Time then the user’s login or if a mobile app then an email address. Employee Certification and Certification Notes do not appear in Review Time. Approved entries can go to 5-5-1 and then timecards, or you can elect to go through 5-2-2- Daily Payroll directly and then create Timecards.